November 11, 2009

Momma's Sourdough Starter and Bread

I have made quite a few different breads from sourdough starter recipes but I always come back to the recipe that my mom uses. This bread always comes out of the oven light and wonderful and it has that sourdough taste that I love. It's smells so good and I love to slather a thick slice of it with butter and homemade cherry jam. This can also be made into rolls like the ones above. These went with the pot roast I made for supper.

Here's the recipe for the starter.
3 pkg. yeast
1 cup warm water
3/4 cups sugar
3T. instant potatoes

Dissolve yeast in warm water, let stand 5 minutes.
Add sugar and instant potatoes. Stir well and let stand 8 to 10 hours then refrigerate for 2 to 3 days.

After 2 to 3 days, feed starter again with
3/4 cup sugar
3 T. instant potatoes
1 cup warm water
Let stand again for 8 to 10 hours. Remove 1 cup and bake bread using the following recipe. Return your starter to the refrigerator and begin the 2 - 3 day process again.

The next time you bake bread from this starter you can remove 2 cups and double your baking to 6 loaves. Each time you feed your starter then bake you can use more of your starter to bake more loaves or give starter to your friends so they can bake too.

(recipe makes 3 loaves).
I cut it in half for rolls.
6 cups bread flour
1 cup starter
1/3 c. oil
1/3 c. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 c. warm water

Mix starter, oil, sugar, salt and warm water. Slowly stir in flour and knead until dough forms ball. Knead a few more times then place in greased bowl. Roll the dough around a bit to get grease on outsides of ball. Cover and let rise until doubled. Add a just a little more flour and knead again. Divide into 3 loaves or into rolls. Place loaves in greased loaf pans or for rolls I like to put them in a greased cast iron skillet. Cover and let rise again for approximately 30 minutes. Bake loaves at 325 degrees on middle oven rack for 30 minutes or until golden brown. Bake rolls at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Brush the tops with butter before serving.

That looks like a horribly long recipe but it does include both starter and bread. Once your starter is ready, it's easy to bake bread every 3 to 4 days. My mom sells these loaves of bread as fast as she can bake them around the holidays. She usually bakes 12 loaves at a time.


Tonia said...

That looks so good!! I have tried sourdough starter once! I would like to figure it out so I donthave to buy yeast all the time! I may try this recipe!

Joy Tilton said...

Thanks so much for adding another 10 lbs. to my hips! I can't resist a great recipe like this one, can't wait to make it! Come over and leave your last respects for "Mean Rooster!"

Christine said...

Oh my goodness! I just gained five pounds reading this post. ('Cause in my mind I ate the whole thing.)

Cheryl said...

Thanks for the recipe. Use to make this bread back in the early 80s. After moving I didn't have an starter, so tried to make my own. Just didn't do right.

Copied and saved your post. Will make some next week. Will get my started stuff this week.

Thanks !

OMG ... I'm on a diet! Oh well every one else will enjoy it.

texasfern said...

10 lbs right to the hips!
I kept a sourdough going for a few years when the kids were little.
Makes great pizza dough!
I can't imagine doing it now, I will weigh 400lbs in 10 minutes!
I may do it anyway! Great for the Holidays!

Anonymous said...

Dang! Those rolls are making my mouth water! I better see if Honey Bunches will get a starter goin!

Sandy said...

I am going to have to give this delicious-looking bread a try. Brings back memories--a cousin used to bring warm sour dough bread for a treat to us when I visited by Grandma when I was a little girl. Now, I love baking bread, and I have a hard time finding recipes that you make without a bread machine. Thank you!

dragondreamer said...

Sounds SOOOOOO good! Since losing my Amish Friendship bread starter last year I have been looking for another way to get fat :)

Question.. do you HAVE TO make bread every 2-3 days? If you don't.. what do you do then?


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