The garden is doing great and growing fast but so are the weeds so I'm weeding.
Bella waits for no one. When her tank is full, it's full and she let's me know it. There has been a little cheese-making, yogurt-making and milk-freezing going on. At 1/2 gallon a day, it adds up fast.
Jake goes to a private school and they decided he and his classmates were far enough ahead that they would change the last day of school from the 28th to the 21st so I lost a week of "preparing for summer". He still has graduation on the 30th so we've been practicing for his lines in the graduation program and I try to do a little school work during the summer just to keep him in practice but not enough to ruin summer fun. So I'm sort of homeschooling and playing. Jake's request for a graduation gift was a swimming pool so we've spent the afternoons leveling and sort of destroying our backyard to make my boys happy but the big piles of dirt that I have to look over to see the deer in the back field are worth it when I saw the smiles on their faces as they head out the door to get in the pool. That water is still a little too cold for me!
There's a thousand other things going on as the cherries are ripe and need picking, pitting and canning and freezing and the blackberries are right on their heels.

Oh and the boys have ball games, both 2 times a week. One plays T-ball, one plays baseball. They are both Yankees and both #5.
I have 2 brooders of chicks I'm raising and 5 new 1-month old geese that I couldn't resist taking from a friend.
And mowing the yard which my husband usual does but I try to fit it in if I can because he's as busy as I am this time of year...oh and I forgot...I do have a job that takes up a few hours a day.
That position for egg-washer is still open!
That's what's going on here on our little farm.....what about your late spring/early summer?? What fills your calendar this time of year??
Since I haven't been quite as faithful to my readers as I would like to be, I'm giving away one of my cookbooks. Just tell me how busy YOU are in the month of May and June! I'll post the winner Saturday morning around 9:00 a.m.
Since I've already won a cookbook once, don't enter me, but I will tell you how busy we are! We just finished planting cotton and peanuts, about to start on soybeans, I finally have some grass in my yard to mow to add to everything else that I mow around the farm shops and chicken houses. There is a farm tour stopping here on June 3rd, so guess whose job it is to clean up? Weeds need spraying, my garden needs tillering, blackberries will be in soon, we'll be selling chickens about June 4th, the next week we'll be camping for a week in the Smokies, then when we get back, we'll be getting ready for chickens again, and then its vacation bible school at church! Phew.
I'd love to have a shot at your cookbook! I'm crazy busy this May-June! My wedding is in July, and we're having it at my fiance's family ranch. This is great, but there is so much landscaping and garden work to be done in preparation. Also, apart from my own wedding, I'm in two other weddings in the next two weeks! Should be crazy, but fun!
I am a new reader to your blog. I think I found your link at Katy's Country Blossom. School is out so that means more kids at my home daycare. Besides that I have been planting flowers and finally getting the garden in today. (Late, but with the rain it couldn't be helped.) I plan to get strawberries this week to can some jam. I also try to help my hubby with the mowing. My days are overflowing at the moment. A good kind of busy!
We are extra busy on the farm this year! We built a greenhouse and grew all of our own vegetable starts for the garden, put up 100ft of 8ft fence around the garden, built 9 very large raised beds(4X16 at the largest), built a chicken coop out of an old worn down rabbit hutch building, and we are getting married in the midst of it all. Plus we have 16 hens, 2 ducks, 1 goose, and a brooder box with 40 chicks in it!
I love reading what everyone is doing. Keep 'em coming! And congrats to all our our wedding couples!
My life is very similar to yours ... minus those cute little baseball buddies you have! They just look like the Best of Buds!
They are Sunny. I don't know what they would do without one another! There's 2 years difference in their age and they are best friends. Luke has really missed Jake during the day since he started Kindergarten. I hope they always stay as close as they are now.
I'm still here and will be. Such a cute pic of the boys! Well, I am going too...getting ready for a baby shower at my home for my daughter with 60 ladies invited!!! So much to do...making baby blankets and little dresses...getting the house and food ready! Come say hi :D
I love your blog! Our May and June are busy with keeping the garden fed and wed (ok, free of weeds... couldn't resist the rhyme). The dachshunds are intent upon making sure the ducks don't invade our yard- at least as long as they are safely indoors. When they are in the backyard they are little cowards when the giant, evil ducks arrive. Our son gets out of school on June 10 and then we are heading on a much needed vacation before my husband deploys to Afghanistan.
My daughter has dance recitals in June, so things are really ramping up for that. Other than that, I'm really looking forward to taking the summer off and just enjoying time with my kids!!
We have baseball, swimming lessons and other fun stuff we want to do. Plus, the chores, garden and other farm jobs that need to get done. I think my kids are close to the same ages as you know the routine there. lol!
You have a wonderful blog and I would love to win your cookbook!
Have a great summer!
Oh my. I'm still teaching full time because of all our snow days. I have my second round of kids--8 goats due between June 7 - June 13. Two bottle kids being weaned, but two new bottle kids, so I am starting to milk 3 or 4 kids as soon as school gets out. Trying to fix fence, plant/weed two gardens. Planting, watering, and weeding an orchard. Strawberries are starting to ripen. I have a couple of weeks before the cherries ripen. We still are racking and bottling wines. Then there's the everyday chores, caring for my son (maid/laundry/shopping service since he's 20), trying to start an on-farm market, and mowing. I am doing this all on my own.
You are so busy. I wish someone would offer us some geese. Today the sun came out so I got outside for a while. I'm looking forward to working outside this week because the weather is supposed to be sunny... no rain. I need to turn the compost pile, finish cleaning the chicken pen, and rake the driveways and the garage roof. That will be more than enough for several weeks at the rate I'm moving these days.
Hope you have a good weekend.
Oops! Saturday came and went and I was canning cherries and preparing food for the graduation today and totally forgot the cookbook giveaway. Graduation is over and it's officially summer here!!!!!
Since I forgot and it's a holiday tomorrow, I'm giving away 3 cookbooks!
The winners are..........
Julie Harward
Email me with your mailing addresses using the "contact me" link in the right sidebar.
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