October 11, 2013

Kitchen Tip #1 (Brown Sugar)

There are probably a lot of kitchen tips scattered here and there throughout my blog but I've never thought to number them!  So here goes....I'm calling this #1........Put a piece of bread in with your brown sugar.  If you know why....stop reading now and go do something FUN!!  If not, read on!

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 I've used this for quite some time and it always amazes me how the brown sugar pulls the moisture from the bread causing it to stay..........

 photo tyjtyjtj_zpsb713db6d.jpg   Soft and Crumbly!

The bread doesn't fair so well.  It'll be as hard as a rock later but that's ok!  This lasts a long time.  I only change mine out if the sugar starts to harden again, or if I happen to be making a sweet potato with butter, brown sugar and cinnamon.  

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Yum!  I think that sugar deserves a new piece of bread!


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