August 23, 2011

Never Give Up!

Even when it's a long way to the top!!!!

Black Rat Snake

August 22, 2011

I Finally Found Her!

For those of you who have been following my blog since December, you know I have been searching for the perfect lady for Dimple. I would like you to meet Sara!

I found her at Willow Hill Farm in Magnolia, KY from a wonderful couple named Wayne and Diane.
I knew she was perfect when I saw her photos on their site and she was FOR SALE!! We drove 6 hours round trip to get her yesterday.

She's beautiful and looks so much like Dimple. And they REALLY like each other. I'd say we can be looking for a baby about August 2012!

Love those big, beautiful eyes.

And while we were there Wayne and Diane sent the boys a couple of presents.
Meet Honey Bear....

and Penelope!

They are super sweet and the boys love them already!
And Honey Bear wants everyone to know...

They are miniature horses....NOT ponies!



For those of you who are new followers/readers, don't forget to check out the forum and join in on our discussions there.

My Country Blog of This and That Forum

I love each and every comment my blogging friends leave for me!

All images and graphics on this page were made by me with the exception of that little rooster! He came from Beth Logan's Checkered Chickens at Photos were taken by me and graphics were created using Photoshop CS2.
If you see something you like please ask for permission before using it!
Thank you!