He's such a pretty boy!
I can't wait to raise some chicks from him and he seems to be very gentle. I hope he stays that way. I don't like mean roosters!
I am still trying to think of a name for him. I'm thinking Pumpkin because he's the right color and it's the right time of the year but he seems too majestic and royal for the name Pumpkin. What do you all think? Any name suggestions? He's a young guy and will get a bit bigger. The hens seem to really like him.
I already had 8 young pullets that should start laying at any time but I wanted a few more so I found 6 today. I was so excited to find what I have always called Fuzzy Faces. After some research I have found that these are the Ameraucana breed.
I asked to make sure and the Amish man promised me green eggs!
Here's the little hen party they have going on in the hen house.
hen house
..........roost pole,
............................laying boxes,
...............................................feed and water and
then they are happy. They don't ask for much (yeah right!)
I love my chickens! All 27 of them. Now, I better start getting some green eggs soon!
Sweet Tater, Pumpkin Pride, Rusty
i like pumpkin! i also like peanut for a pet name. your chickens and rooster are beautiful...wish i could have some!
My dad had chickens when I was groeing up, I have always loved them. Love your pictures.
My kids liked 'Peck', which made me think of Gregory Peck. Your chickens are gorgeous. My next-door-neighbor keeps auracania (?spelling) and a few other breeds I don't know, and I freaked out when I got the first green egg! Now we look forward to them. (And, naturally, the kids fight over ho will get to eat them.)
Well...another name for pumpkin is jack-o-lantern...to me he looks like Jack! He is a very nice looking Rooster and I'm sure the girls are gonna l♥ve him!
HOW are you doing that? I tried to introduce a pair of cochins to my flock and they killed one!! I am feeling like we will never have new chickens in our flock :(
I think Red would be a good name for him. Green Eggs would be nice, then you could have green eggs and ham!
Janet, I love the name Red but that's the nickname we use for Sampson our big Rhode Island Red LOL. We'll probably name this one and end up calling him Orange! I am loving the suggestions so far, just can't decide which I like best.
Lisa, I have a pair of small Cochins that I have to keep by themselves. The rooster does fine with the other hens but the big rooster and guineas hurt him and the big hens hurt the little Cochin hen. They finally had a little nest full of eggs and hatched one Cochin baby. He/She is so cute. I am hoping it's another little hen so I can raise a few more.
I think these girls are getting along okay because they are all so young. They are only about 6 months old and most have not started laying yet. They had a few squabbles yesterday when I put them in but they seem to be getting along better this morning.
There are times when I put younger pullets in a cage in the hen house and just put them on the roosts with the older hens at night, then back in the cage during the day. This gets the older hens used to them and after about a week I leave them out for longer periods of time until they are all adjusted.
Okay, I'm rambling now!
I was blog hopping and found yours! I am adding you to my blogroll..
On introducing new chickens its good to do it at night.. Lights off go in and stick the new ones on the roost next to the old ones.. THey wake up in the morning and rarely pay attention to the new ones... This has worked everytime for me. I also use the cage in the hen house for little ones..
I have Ameruacanas too. They are different from an Aruacana. But I get all shades of green eggs. Some are almost blue! People tend to freak when they see a whole dozen of green eggs. Lol!
Have a good weekend!
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