February 18, 2011

In a Blogging Rut

I am so ready to see GREEN!

Any of you bloggers ever get stuck in the deep muddy rut of blogger's block? Mine always seems to come this time of year. The time between the holidays and gardening and baby goat birthing time! (Please pardon the reused pics for this post....explanation below!)

I need to order some chicks. I have decided to order instead of incubate this year and see how it goes. I am wanting a few new breeds to add to my hen house. My camera battery has gone dead and my charger has mysteriously disappeared into the same hole that socks go into around here because it's GONE, GONE, GONE, no where to be found, no longer exists! I have a new one ordered and it should be here today or tomorrow.

The new job is going well. I'm putting in 3 days a week right now instead of the 2 originally planned but I'm not complaining, just thankful to have a job....2 in my case. I am still doing the transcription as well. Construction on the new office building has started! We will be so glad to get moved into it and have more space! I get my own office. I picked out my new computer, printer and office chair yesterday! I'm moving up!

I have also lost 21 pounds since Thanksgiving! Go ME! I feel so much better and I am exercising, running and doing Zumba for a total of about 10 hours of exercise a week and gasp, gasp....I'm eating right!! I feel better than I have ever felt! I am training to run a 5K in March! Wish me luck! I'm going to need it!!!

On the yard and garden front, the garden will be plowed up this weekend. It should have been done last Fall, but we got lots of rain and the ground stayed too soft for plowing then. I am planning on getting that small greenhouse I've been wanting and getting it set up within the next week or so.

In the barn, one of my geese is sitting on eggs! Daddy Gander is chasing anything that gets close to her. Nanny is our first goat due and she's supposed to have babies in less than a month! I am so excited!! From the looks of her belly we may get 3 this year!

The bassets go for shots this morning. Can't believe we've already had them for over a year! That's my update for around here and I'm planning on breaking through this blogger's block! The temps have been so Spring like the last couple of days. Is it strawberry time yet?

I wish! I'm itching to get outside and plant something!
So what's going on in your neck of the woods?? Is it Spring yet at your house? If it is, I'm moving in!


Anonymous said...

I'm having the same problem with blogging -nothing much to talk about when we still have snow in Michigan! It is getting warmer so there is hope the snow is melting and we are able to smile again.

TexWisGirl said...

You may have blogger's block, but you certainly are busy around there! :)

Sue from Ky. said...

I can think of lots to write about, if only I had the time. While I'm busily working at any given task, my brain is going,going, going, thinking of all the things I'd like to blog about, but it is so time consuming, and there is so much to be done outside,when we get these warm and pleasant days.I have been outside all morning,trimming away and burning dead and/or unruly growth from last years plants.Not to mention all the airing out I'm having to do, since I went out and did my yard work,forgetting I had a pot of eggs on boiling. You can imagine the smoke and smell after 3 hours of being unattended.

Cher' Shots said...

I feel like I've been on hold with my blog for way too long. I'm hoping it's just a 'time of year' thing and that I can snap out of it soon. I'm ready for change! I truly enjoyed this post. Your pics are perfect!
'hugs from afar'

Homeschool on the Croft said...

You sound pretty good to me for someone who's supposed to have writer's block!!

I think when the excitement of cozy winter nights has passed, there's something in us that longs for Spring. I too am ready to start planting, and actually chucked some leek and coriander seeds into a seed tray this week... could wait no longer! I keep the coriander inside anyway, so that should be fine, and the leeks - by the time they're ready to plant - should be right on time. (We're on an island off the west coast of Scotland, so our weather doesn't tend to extremes - no deep, deep frosts and no heatwaves - *definitely* no heatwaves!)

Anyway, I've rambled. It's a habit! All the best with the goat.... look forward to hearing how that goes x

Andrea said...

I was stuck in a blog rut for a good 6 months... I just recently started blogging daily again in January. I agree with the ready to see GREEN! ;)

Teresa said...

It has felt like spring here, but we're supposed to have more snow next week. I never seem to have blogger's block on the farm blog (but when all else fails, it's just cute pictures), but my poetry blog has been seriously neglected since the first of the year--horrible writer's block there. Soon there will be all kinds of babies to blog about!

Gorges Smythe said...

Having entirely different subject matter on my blog than you, I'm so full of it that I simply can't GET it all out! (I'll leave YOU to guess what IT is!)

Changes in the wind said...

I am sure the long spell of snow is the cause. We are just starting to have some spring and everyone is more than ready. The bad cold spell that hit everyone left us here with many dead plants or at least dead on the outside....time to get the shears out.

Anonymous said...

Sure. You can come stay with me. We are having a cold snap. It was only 65 here today with a little rain. Back up to 70 and climbing by Tuesday, I believe. Those strawberries look absolutely delish!


Deb said...

Kudos on the weight loss!! I'm attempting to loss 15 pounds this year. We shall see. I hate to admit it to you, but we seem to be out of our "cold" weather hear in Florida. Back in the high 70's during the day. Think I started my seeds a little late this year because it seemed so very cold back in January. Oh well, better late then never. Can't wait to see pics of your new baby goats!!

Kentucky Farm Girl said...

We hit 74 today and it was awesome! I worked in the yard raking leaves and then cleaned my car out! Absolutely gorgeous weather! I also got my battery charger for my camera in and it's charging right now! Maybe things will get back to normal around here!

Elizabeth said...

Certainly NOT spring here yet, but that's probably a good thing seeing as I haven't ordered my seeds yet! Yikes. Blessings to you!

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